On your side protecting you, your family and your future

Handling Paternity Matters In Mid-Missouri Courts

Increasingly children are born outside of a marital relationship. When this happens mothers and fathers who do not have a marital bond must find a way to deal with the parental bond with their child.

At Bender Law Firm, I can help parents establish and define these bonds by handling paternity matters in mid-Missouri courts. I am exceptionally thorough and diligent in my preparation in helping my clients achieve their objectives.

Paternity Vs. Divorce

Paternity is different than a divorce proceeding. While some of the issues such as child support, child custody and visitation are the same, paternity is different for several reasons. The most significant difference is that fathers cannot get child custody with the child until the case is finally adjudicated and the court enters a paternity judgment. Unlike a divorce, there is no presumption that the father is the father. He may not have temporary visitation until the court makes its ruling. This means that many fathers have difficulty seeing their children while the case can drag on for as long as a year. As your attorney, I will dedicate myself to expediting your case as quickly as the court will allow.

This waiting period can affect mothers also. Mothers have concerns such as health insurance, medical expenses and child support that their children need. These issues cannot be resolved until the case is resolved. Though child support can be awarded retroactively, there is often no temporary child support awarded as there is in divorce cases.

Contact A Lawyer About Your Paternity Concerns

At Bender Law Firm, I represent both men and women in paternity cases and related matters. In your case, I will use my experience to help achieve your goals while protecting your rights. Whether you are a mother or a father, you need legal representation to protect your rights and relationship with your child.

Free Consultation With Bender Law Firm

The best way to learn how Missouri paternity laws apply to your particular case is to talk with an attorney. Call my Columbia office at 573-355-9271 or contact me online to arrange a free initial consultation.